A dear friend of mine emailed this photo to me. I have to say it really moved me in several ways. The sheer beauty of these buildings makes me smile. The architecture is interesting to start with but the addition of so many plants just takes it over the top. In a good way. Imagine if all […]
Archives for Otter Notes
Get Out of that Winter Slump!
Now that we are past most of the major winter holidays, it is a good time to regroup and get back into your good self care patterns that might have slipped during this time, or, a time to establish new patterns. Many of us during the holiday season find our schedules and routines disrupted. This can […]
Botanica Erotica
Tune into www.kpfa.org on Thursday, 2/09/12, 1-2PM, PST for a live radio interview with Diana De Luca, author of Botanica Erotica. Or, if you miss the broadcast, listen to the archived program at, http://www.kpfa.org/herbal-highway. Just when the dreariness of winter is getting to you, along comes a book that can rekindle your passion. Botanica Erotica; Arousing Body, Mind […]
Chai, Chai, Chai!!!
Chai is such a wonderful cold weather tea that I wanted to share with you how I make it. Chai, or masala chai, means ‘mixed spice tea’ and originates in India. Usually chai is made with a base of black tea, which you are welcome to do. However, I encourage you to make a caffeine-free […]
Adjusting to Winter – Part Two
In part one of this two part series, “Adjusting to Winter”, I focused on the physical aspects of working with the season change. In this second part, I am focusing on the emotional and spiritual aspects of adjusting to winter. In winter we are, most of us, dealing with gray days, less light and colder […]
Adjusting to Winter – Part One
Welcome to winter! Winter Solstice is the transition point between fall and winter and also marks the shortest day of the year. In the language of astronomy this is the time when the tilt of the earth is at its greatest distance from the sun. The word ‘solstice’ in and of itself means the sun […]
Mountain Springtime
Spring is such a lovely time of year. Here in the mountains the weather can be unpredictable and that lends another interesting layer to the season. As we move to sunny days in the 60’s to snow flurries to gentle rain to night time temps in the 20’s I get to feel that slow move […]
Natural Support for Radiation Exposure
My heart has been, and continues to be, heavy with thoughts of the devastation in Japan. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan, and their loved ones throughout the world, during this time of crisis. I also want to urge each of you to stop reading right now, close your eyes and take a […]
Tea Time!
To listen to a related radio broadcast, go to http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/66958 . This program aired live on January 20, 2011 and will be archived for two weeks. If you don’t already make herbal teas for yourself, now is a good time to start. Since we are supposed to […]
winter thoughts
wow- what an amazingly cold morning! when i was outside at sunrise, it was 16 degrees out. it has been a very cold winter so far. waking up everyday with frost encrusted trees. for some reason though, the cold is bringing in the bald eagles. spotted 2 in our field the other day and a pair […]